


Posts on [LINKDB] are organised by tags.

Tags are hierarchical and can have multiple parents and children; they form a directed acyclic graph.

To read posts only relevant to your interests, you can collect related tags into aggregations. Your personalised frontpage will be then the posts with tags in your aggregations you have subscribed to.

A topological sorting of a tag graph.
Viewing public aggregations.

When you sign up you will be subscribed to the default aggregations which are managed by the website moderators. You can however create your own and don't use the default ones at all.

Your personal aggregations can be kept private or public. They also can be discoverable, i.e. they show up in the public aggregations list.

You can always find your personal aggregations in your Account page.

You can change your subscription status from the aggregation's page. If you're a moderator and/or creator, you can also edit it.

If you want to base a personal aggregation on an existing one, you can create a copy.

Details of the Arts aggregation.
Adding a new story filter to the Arts aggregation.

A tag is added to one aggregation through a story filter.

You can select a depth for each tag which determines how many levels of descendants in the tag graph are included.

The default depth is 0. An empty depth means the entire tree starting from the given tag is included.

Finally, you can exclude tags by adding exclude filters.

Account settings

You can select when to receive emails, whether to show stories with content warnings by default and whether to show colors at all.

weekly digests

You can opt-in to a weekly digest email to read all the stories posted since the last time you were sent a digest mail. The digest mail can include all stories or just your aggregation subscriptions. You can also select individual days for delivery.

You can disable it at any time.

accessibility session settings

You can optionally disable vivid colors and increase font-size for this session.

Edit account settings.
the Invite user form.

Invite users

With this form you can send invites to users you approve of to participate in the [LINKDB] community.

Personalised feeds

Issue an authentication token that you can use to access your personalised feeds without logging in. These feeds contain your subscriptions, compared to the public feeds which contain all stories.

the personalised feeds.
the bookmarks page.


You can save individual comments or posts in your bookmarks and optionally add your notes. You can export your bookmarks as json at any time.